Support Us
Play a Part
Since 1984, our mission has been to support, assist and encourage the advancement of performing artists and their projects through a creative laboratory, classes, workshops, retreats and productions. Nascent performing artists, as well as those discovering or rediscovering their creative talents, must have a place to explore and own their work. AND provides the space and craft to nurture the individual’s progress. Your tax-deductible contributions help fund the rental of rehearsal space, supplement the fees of master teachers, and provide scholarships to our programs for participants.Play a Part
Donations to specific projects (Kunstler-to-Edinburgh, Hocherman Fund, Kosarowich Fund, etc.), Workshop & Program fees (Anything Goes, PWYC Improv, etc.) and donations to general ANDTheatre support may be made in a number of ways. Be sure and designate for which project, fund, or program you are making payment.
Bring your talent and your work (new or old) for a 15-minute presentation before and feedback from a group of theatre professionals who work together for the betterment of themselves, each other, and showbiz in general.

Payment Options
If you would like to use your credit card, our PayPal account is
Please make your check payable to "Artistic New Directions" and mail to:
ANDTheatre Company
250 West 90th Street #15G
New York, NY 10024
Venmo to @ANDtheatre (Artistic New Directions)
Remember to note for which workshop, project, or fund your funds are intended. Thank you for your support!
AND is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit company. Contributions are tax-deductible according to law.