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Anything Goes

Course Description

Anything Goes! is back, both on Zoom and in person. Make sure to follow our calendar to see when we will be live and when we'll be on Zoom.  For more information or to be on the Anything Goes! mailing list, e-mail to


Bring your talent and your work (new or old) for a 15-minute presentation before and feedback from a group of theatre professionals who work together for the betterment of themselves, each other, and showbiz in general.


Wednesdays 6:00 – 8:00 pm, on Zoom every Wednesday and in-person every two weeks.
$10 suggested donation


For 15-minute spot reservations only: email to sign up.


Non-Presenters who plan to attend, please email to sign up.


Suggested donation $10.  For the most convenient payment method, check here!


 Check our calendar for dates.

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